WAM Safety

True Crime, Positivity, Triumph, Safety

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WAM Safety - Episode 128 - Rabbi Avremi Zippel


Wendy has Rabbi Avremi Zippel on the show to share his childhood sex abuse from a trusted family baby sitter. Rabbi Avremi Zippel kept his abuse hidden until he became a father and realized it needed to be shared to help prevent abuse from happening to

Wendy has Rabbi Avremi Zippel on the show to share his childhood sex abuse from a trusted family baby sitter. Rabbi Avremi Zippel kept his abuse hidden until he became a father and realized it needed to be shared to help prevent abuse from happening to others.

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 18 MB - Duration: 21:23m (113 kbps 44100 Hz)

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